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This document provides an overview of our project management process at UBC Launch Pad.


view our project directory for a list of all our projects. For each project we form a team consisting of developers, designers and a tech lead that will lead the project.


We have iterated over how we come up with projects over the years, and currently we have the following project categories:

  • Stakeholder Projects: These are projects that have an external stakeholder the project is being developed for free of charge.
  • Established Projects: These are projects that have been carefully selected by the leads before recruitment. These projects could be in either ideation or in-progress stages.
  • Self-directed Projects: These are projects are open-ended projects that have almost no prior guidelines. Once a team is formed, members come up with an idea in the first weeks and work towards developing that.

Stakeholder Projects


Established Projects


Self-directed projects



Most projects are yearlong; starting in September and ending in April of next year, however there are some exceptions:

  • Projects that are smaller or already active can last only for one term (Sept-Dec or Jan-Apr)
    • (Teams that finish a project in term 1 will take on another project in term 2)
  • Projects that require continuous development will be worked on yearlong (mostly Sept-Apr) and in the following year, the same or new team will take on the project
    • e.g. our internal club projects are continuous


Teams and projects are paired one-to-one. All teams include at least one lead with a number of developers and designers. Teams vary in size and developer/designer ratio. Check the teams page for more information